Workplace Equality


 Workplace Equality Day will provide resources for the LGBTQ community, businesses, unions and human resource professionals on LGBTQ workplace equality and inclusion, in order to promote workplaces free of discrimination and bias.  The educational materials are designed to help create workplaces inclusive of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.

We invite workplace diversity organizations, unions and other groups to support Workplace Equality Day. Organizations can submit information on their employee diversity groups, help publicize this effort, and provide volunteers for the Booth.  If you or your organization is interested in helping with this effort, please call us at (315) 460-6971 or email us at

We also need sponsors for Workplace Equality Day, the sponsorship form below (workplace.pdf) as a pdf file that can be downloaded by pressing the down arrow, or press the printer icon to print the file or save it.

workplace.pdf workplace.pdf
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Type : pdf