Senior Day


Senior Day at the LGBTQ Boothcelebrates LGBTQ seniors. All seniors receive free admission to the Fair on Monday August 26. Seniors are invited to visit the Booth to receive free literature and resources for themselves, their families, service providers and allies.

We have information on the challenges faced by LGBTQ seniors, for service providers who wish to be able to better service LGBTQ seniors, resources on health care, social services, community groups across the state, and resources for cultural competence training on issues affecting LGBT seniors.

For service providers who work with seniors, we will have resources and information designed to help providers best meet the needs of LGBTQ seniors.

2024 sponsor master organ and faith.pdf 2024 sponsor master organ and faith.pdf
Size : 173.097 Kb
Type : pdf

To support Senior Day, please use the above form for sponsorship. The form can be printed or downloaded.  You can also use the pdf file of the sponsorship form. This form also provides information on how to advertise in the NY Pride Network Guide.
You can also use paypal to pay for sponsorship on our sponsor page, the icon is at the top of the page.

Visit our facebook page for senior day.